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Why we designed a center shafted golf putter? High MOI

Why we designed a center shafted golf putter?? Simple really, HIGH MOI.

We are extremely close to releasing our first golf putter. The design process has taken almost a year and has gone through multiple redesigns. Our goal, like all of our products is to engineer our golf products with a specific target (Sink more putts) in mind while using the best possible production process.

So, what does the design do that help get us to our goal.

The Grenade golf putter was engineered to have a high MOI. This higher MOI reduces twisting on off center putts which leads to straighter putts when you need them...But with this, we wanted to insure that we created a HIGH moi putter that still was aesthetically pleasing and instilled confidence. It will be up to you to decide if we have done this..I think we have.

The majority of time engineering was regarding MOI enhancements, but the weight of the putter should be mentioned. Although not a measurable engineering feat, we had decided to use more material to increase overall mass and weight. The goal of offering a heavier putter that would quiet the hands during a putt and help with a natural pendulum swing. The Grenade putter weighs in at a hefty 445 Grams just for the head! Do not be feels good. But you will notice when this thing isn't in your bag!

How we made the putter is what separates it from the off the rack options on today's market. The Grenade is milled out of a single piece (a huge piece) of Carbon steel. We have partnered with a Vermont based precision milling shop that does Aerospace work in order to offer the highest quality CNC milled putter possible.

This CNC milling process is utilized by many high end and boutique companies such as Piretti, Bettinardi, and Scotty Cameron. This process has become popular with the high end golf putter companies because the feel and sound are worthy of the high price tag. These golf putter companies are charging $299-$1000 per putter. Which I can understand, kinda...Because it is very expensive to mill out of one solid piece of anything! Especially those doing it in USA.

The Grenade will be 100% made in USA, which we are proud to announce and will be offering custom lengths as we do with our current golf driver and fairway woods line.

We took the Grenade putter into Dick's Sporting Goods, not to sell it to them but for some unbiased testing. We know your not suppose to bring in golf equipment they don't sell, but we couldn't resist.... (video below)

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