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Which states play the most golf?

Which states play the most golf?

I wish Vermont was on the top of the list, but I think we would be in dead last. Here is what Facebook fans thought.

Jake Mally - Colorado…. Ski until noon head down the hill to the links get nine in before sundown.

Kate Hughes - Got two more peeps planning to order a driver!!!

Kate Hughes - Minnesota!!!!

Bigg Jon Vic - I would argue that if the mid-west didn't have the winters they do, it would be Wisconsin hands down. We have the best 19th holes in golf! But because of the winters, I would have to say Florida or California.

Nick Pollard - AL

John Wheeler - florida

Dave Price - South Carolina

Keith Millard - Depends on the time of the year, Michigan has more public courses than any other state, however 5 months of the year you can't use them. Up North Michigan golf is unmatched.

James Ramsey - Alaska

Randall Stroupe - Florida definitely

Miguel Slowvick - AZ!

Will Merritt - Florida

Andrew Williams - Not even close

Andrew Williams - Florida for sure

Bill Standley - The State of Confusion!

David Thomas Culpepper  - South Carolina hands down!

Michael Metzger - Where else can u go ski and drive 45 min and play 18

Michael Metzger - Florida or cali, meanwhile in Colorado at 45 degrees and the course is clear were playing

Jeffrey Pedroza - Arizona

Chris Sims - Texas after they get to hit the Grenade!! pull the pin!!

Patrick Zmuda - The state of relaxation

Robert Crovetti - Myrtle Beach SC

Golf Crate - Arizona!

Dimitri Schenk - Europe!

Jason Sampson - Texas!

Shannon Weichel - Florida

Bill Blackden - Florida, 365 days a year

Johnny Wyman Riser - South Carolina

Andrew Patch - Florida and south Carolina.....

Matt Kramer - The Mitten. Hands down.

Alexander Campbell - Id love to say n.y. but the weather is not the best rite now..

Bruce F Moulton Jr. - Florida

Donna Paulette Alumbaugh-burdett Florida

Edward Hohlt - Ha California, winter hasn't hit us yet

Josh Ross - Gotta be Florida. Arizona and South Carolina would be close too maybe.

Dwight Lewis - Fla

Craig Knox - Arizona

Steven Kendrick - Arizona

Douglas Camacho - I dont know ..but i want to move there

Phillip Maurice Albert - Florida Arizona South Carolina California Michigan in that order

Landon Black - Cali?

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