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What is your golf driver worth?

So, what is your golf driver worth?  

Golf driver resale value is constantly changing. As golf companies launch new models and discount prices the resale value is directly impacted. In addition the basic rules of supply and demand impact the resale value of your used golf driver.

Why am I writing about this? 

I honestly haven't been asked this in a long time, but early on I had golfers say they wouldn't buy the Grenade because the resale. I thought, well I hope you aren't buying it to then resell it in the near future, but it happens. I get it, trust me!

You may be surprised to find out the Grenade driver sells for more used then many of the big OEM's NEW drivers that were released a few months ago. That's right, a used Grenade golf driver sells more than some NEW big name golf drivers. The last USED Grenade driver I sold used went for $255, which is 85% of the retail price. They all don't sell for that price.

Are you shocked? You shouldn't be.  Since I don't allow everyone to sell our product and don't release "new" products on a rapid life cycle, the value is maintained. And of course, there is a high demand for BombTech products which leads to the higher used price as well. 

If you were concerned about the resale value of the Grenade, don't be! 

Thanks to everyone that has supported BombTech! Without you there would be no demand.


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