Golf is a difficult enough game, then we bring in the mental aspect and it brings it to a level of complexity that is tough to match. So, we asked our Facebook fans to chime in and give us their thoughts on how to hit a long distance drive.
Here is a list of what they answered to the question, "What do you think when you are trying to hit a long distance drive?
- Sam Goulden Rhythm. Period.
- Gerald Harsley Jr. Load and then fire. Most people don't finish their backswings when trying to get some more out of it. Also just relax don't tense up sure fire way to loose yardage
- Steven Case No slice, please! Aaannnd it went right again...
- Byron Casper Keep the angle in your wrists from the top of your backswing coming down into impact & rotate left hip out of the way quickly.....that coupled w a smooth swing & You'll be surprised how far you'll hit it.
- Lee White Don't fuck it
- Kevin Patrick Scott Hitting through the ball...
- Justin Clutter Please stay in the fairway
- David Long my old boss
- Ken Golfnut Stankiewicz Hit the ball down the middle and let it happen.
- Chris Bourquin full shoulder turn load the legs
- Mitchell Thurman Swing hard in case you hit it. Truthfully, a good shoulder turn follow through and the wrist position.
- Bill Strauch Slow and smooth hit the back of the ball and BOOM!
- Kc Leonard Getting the hips moving faster and creating as much lag as possible
- Jon Michaels My ex wife
- Nicholas Vanoverbeke Load the lag....on the way up.. lag the load on the way down. And hips
- Rafe Padilla Finish through and hard. No regrets
- Kyle Wade Aim left hit a fade or draw I like the rough
- Aaron Ellis Relax, take a full swing and make solid contact
- Rick Ryser baseball
- Mick Papa Not right, Not right, Not right...Doh...
- Steve Murphy Light grip pressure and smooth temp0
- Robert Conrad Smooth transition at the top and smooth swift acceleration through impact into a smooth full finish. So I would say SMOOTH!!!!!!
- Kate Hughes Target
- Kevin Bennison Rhythm, a full shoulder turn, swing to a nice full finish
- Conrad Johnson Don't miss
- Charles E Lee Jr Pull the pin!!!
- Dennis Whiton Tempo, smooth transition at the top, & Finish high
- Joe Brooks Smooth and extend down the line
- Gene Cichon Draw
- Jeffery K. Passage Each time "I would love a 200 yard drive for once ... Not this time either (sigh of utter frustration)."
- Justin Cooper $$$$
- Kevin Steel Dont miss
- Adrian Lydell Tunstall getting distance without Slicing
- Zach Carver Breathe
- Mean Mike Arnold Please go straight
- Marty Hubbs Dont go over the green.
- Casey Kuchman Oh shit I'm hitting a driver I better aim 4 fairways left
- Teeks Dhody No change to what I do on a normal drive.
- Joe Williamson Head down. Head down. Head down.
Thanks to everyone that participated and answered the question, "What do you think when you are trying to hit a long distance drive?
I personally, like to think about having loose hands and swinging fast not hard.
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