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Warm Up For Longer Drives

Warm Up For Longer Drives

Like any sport, proper warm up is key to playing your best. Golf is no different! A full and proper warm up will help you hit longer drives…This I guarantee.

Today made me realize how important this really is. I was in a rush today, but wanted to go hit some balls. So I ran over to a local indoor simulator to take some swings. I had no time to properly warm up. I went right in and starting swinging driver, which I never would normally do.

My club head speeds were low to start off, but never got to the normal range for my swing. My club speed with a proper warm up ranges from 125mph-131mph. Today with no warm up the fastest I could get to was 122mph, which was 3mph-8mph less than average.

I understand, many of us don’t have enough time to practice and warm up. But, taking 10 minutes will help you hit longer drives without lifting a single weight or going to the gym.

This is what I call the 0-300 warm up. Go from 0 to 300 yards or as close as you can. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

1. 10 swings of Sand Wedge at 40% power – REST 30 seconds between swings! This is extremely important to training your muscles for speed.

2. 10 swings of 8 Iron at 50% power.

3. 10 swings of 6 Iron at 60% power.

5. 2 swings of 3 wood at 80% power.

6. 5 swings of driver at 80% power.

7. 3 swings of driver at 90% power. Rest for 3 minutes

8. 3 swings of driver at 100% power. Rest full 1 minute between swings.

9. 10 swings of driver at 100% power. Rest 2 minutes between swings.

10. 5 swings of driver at 100% power.

DONE. Go play golf.

This is a simple warm up that can help you still go through your bag and get properly warmed up for longer drives off the tee.

This may seem very similar to a basic warm up, but the proper amount of rest between swing sets will help you get loose properly.

Give this warm up routine a try next time you are looking to bomb your drives longer and make your friends jealous!

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