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Think you're not good enough for custom golf clubs? Think again!

"Why would I get custom clubs? I'm nowhere near good enough to justify that..."

Maybe it's not your game that's the problem! Maybe it's your clubs. If every swung a club exactly the same way, picking out golf clubs would be easy. But if you've watched more than 9 holes of golf in your life, you know everyone's swing is different. You wouldn't pick golf shoes that are two sizes too small, would you? So don't pick an off-the-rack set of clubs that aren't made for you.

A lot of golfers end of slicing or hooking because the length, grip size or shaft flex don't fit them. Length and lie angle are easy culprits of a bad game. They determine how you hold your body before you even take a swing. But even things like shaft flex can mess with your game. If a shaft is too stiff, some golfers will end up favoring their right side in order to give the ball some lift.

A regular club fitting takes about an hour. Yes, it's a little long. But that's the only way to address all the variables in your clubs. think of it like a physical for your golf game. The only way to know what's wrong with your equipment is to check it all out.

Golf is not just a game. If you're even considering custom golf clubs in the first place, golf means something special to you. Custom clubs are a long-term investment. You spend hours you really want to do it with clubs that make your game worse?

Check out our line of custom clubs, you'll be glad you did. Play better, guaranteed. We hand-make all our clubs and sell them directly to you, with no middle man. that means better materials without the price markup. Contact us to find out how we can help you get the most out of your game. 

Get your BombTech clubs now!


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