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The Golf Equipment Industry Has Changed Forever

The real title of this blog should be, retail business, everything has changed forever. 

What am I talking about?

The internet and the unique ability to communicate direct with YOU is changing the golf equipment industry.  This is allowing for the impossible to happen.  A "small" golf company, aka BombTech Golf is growing fast. It was 45 degrees the other day, so that was a heat wave for us up north. 

The only way for a small company like mine to get seen just a few years ago was to hire a pro, do an infomercial or spend literally millions to out advertise the biggest companies in the game. But, due to the freedom of information (the internet) small companies like mine are able to be seen and heard. It's not that easy, but it makes it possible.

So, why do you care? 

You may not, but I have been blown away (pun intended) with the amount of support that I am receiving from my fans.  I am seeing this trend, not only in golf, but many industries.  Where small companies that are able to compete on quality can now compete for your attention.  This doesn't mean that you look at BombTech golf and say wow they are better than ABC company, but it allows me to communicate direct with you.  

For anyone that follows on Facebook, you see that I ask A LOT of questions. Some days you may be annoyed, but YOU have been a VITAL part in growing and shaping BombTech Golf. And continue to be. 

I wanted to post this blog to say THANKS to everyone that has messaged, emailed, called, tweeted, whatever with me. And also to ask that you continue asking questions and being a part of my team and family. 

Get your BombTech clubs now!


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