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The future is quality - From Beer to Golf

The future is quality - From Beer to Golf

I have been trying to write this blog post for a few weeks. But every time I write it, I end up deleting it because I can't seem to get the point across. So here I go again.

The future is quality - from the beer industry to the golf industry

Have you noticed that the number of craft brews has increased dramatically? Well if you haven't...You probably don't drink beer, which is OK too. The small guy, craft brewers that is, are gaining momentum and having amazing success bringing their distinct quality products to market. A market that is almost as competitive as the golf market.

So how can these small craft brews compete against other brands.It is a simple approach. High quality ingredients and a focus on premium flavor regardless of cost to produce. When you produce a product that performs or taste better, you will be successful. So why haven't the big beer companies done this? Costs. Although they generate huge revenue, their focus is on their marketing campaigns and stock prices. This approach takes the quality out of the equation.

Here is the question I always get..."Well, why do the pros play their equipment?"

1. Most pros are compensated or endorsed to play certain equipment. I can't blame them for wanting to make money.

2. The equipment the pros play is not the same equipment sold in retail. The equipment they play is tour quality and built for them, but you know that already.

The next question I get is...."Well, why don't any pros play BombTech golf equipment?" We will not pay golfers to play our equipment. Then we would be like all the other big brand golf companies. Which would lead to increased ad spend that would either lead to lesser quality product or increased costs to you. This is the exact reason why BombTech golf exists, higher quality sold direct to you!

So will the future be, smaller companies that offer higher quality. For the consumers, I hope so!

What do you think?? 

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