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How to grow the game of golf?

How to grow the game of golf?

There has been a lot of talk about how to grow the game of golf. Other than the obvious, such as make it more affordable. The biggest challenge is getting new golfers to just play. Offering larger golf holes or making the game easier is not going to grow the game.

I have a chance to speak with thousands of golfer's a month, many of which are beginners. There is a constant theme when I talk to these "beginner" golfers. The beginner golfer's always tell me, "I like golf but I suck". My response is always the same, "SO WHAT!"

These newer golfer's feel like they aren't good enough to play the game. Whose fault is that? Golf courses and golfers have created an environment that doesn't welcome beginners. Yes, I am looking at you MR. 9 handicap. Golf is suppose to be fun and be a group activity. But many newer golfers don't feel that it is acceptable for them to go play a round. I encourage everyone that plays the game to take a step back and ask why we play the game. For the enjoyment and for the chance to pure that 1 or 2 shots per round that keep us coming back.

So I think we need to encourage everyone to just participate. How many times have you been dragged to an event where you didn't want to participate, then after you say thanks to whoever brought you. Bottom line, just get out there and try it.

You aren't a pro, but who cares.

Get out there and play!

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