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Golf Equipment: How to Buy Clubs & Other Essential Equipment

Purchasing golf clubs and some other necessary equipment is probably the first thing all up-and-coming golfing enthusiasts do. However, the equipment they purchase usually tends to be “beginner” equipment they will outgrow in a matter of months. That is why spending a bit more in the beginning is definitely worth it long-term. 

But, what happens if you’re unfamiliar with how to choose high-quality golf wedges to purchase and what other equipment you need? Try to find the best online golf stores that have reasonable pricing and premium-quality products. But, before that, take a look at this detailed guide to buying clubs and other important accessories. 

How do I buy quality golf clubs?

When you’re on the prowl for a new set of golf clubs, besides checking out a well-stocked golf equipment store and browsing their inventory, there are other aspects you need to pay attention to before actually making a purchase. Here’s what you should consider before buying your clubs: 

Define your needs

Some would say that you should first define your skill level and buy clubs that would not be an overkill for your current handicap. We say that’s a mistake and that every player deserves a premium set of golf clubs that will last a long time and be suitable as your game advances.

However, you should pay attention to your specific needs regarding the type of clubs that you think you would be using most. Also, purchase clubs that suit your style of play and that would grant you the range of shots you most frequently use, as well as a club or two that you think you would start using as your game improves. 

Oversized drivers are a good idea

An oversized driver features a larger club head than you would normally consider using, but going for an oversized driver could be one of the best golfing decisions you could make. The bigger the head of the driver, the greater the moment of inertia, the better the forgiveness during your initial shot. 

Also, bigger head size generally means that you should be able to send the ball flying faster and farther than you would with a regular-sized golf driver. And that’s exactly what you could be looking for. 

Fill your wedge gaps

You may need more wedges than you think for your advancing golf game, which is why you should pay attention to filling the potential gaps you have between your wedges. Identify the loft of the pitching wedge you’re thinking of purchasing, and then consider whether your game requires a wedge between the sand wedge and the pitching wedge for your style of play. 

The general rule of thumb is this – you should not have more than 4 or 5 degree difference between your wedges, so purchase your clubs accordingly. 

Be careful about the lie

The ideal scenario involves the sole of the golf club being level with the terrain as you’re striking the ball. If the toe is up, even the well-struck shots could end up going to the left, requiring you to flatten the lie. 

Conversely, if the toe is positioned downward during the shot, the ball will pull to the right, again requiring you to correct the strike. That is why you need to perform research into what lie angle would suit your game best.

Mind the 3 L’s of putters

The three L’s of a putter are the length, the loft, and the lie angle. When buying a putter, you have to make sure that all these three characteristics suit you. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to put well unless you make drastic changes to your game. While you should always strive to improve your game, you should also purchase clubs that suit your underlying style. 

Research the manufacturer

Once you gather all the information on the types of clubs you want to purchase, it’s time to put some effort into researching the club manufacturer you want to place your trust in. The easiest way is to check out online reviews and see what other customers think. Also, if possible, check in with your friends that have clubs from said manufacturer and inquire about their opinion and impressions. 

Consider purchasing online

Finally, think about purchasing your clubs online. Reputable manufacturers of golf clubs that focus on online sales usually grant a lot more bang for your buck, and they also allow you to return your purchase if you find it unsuitable. It’s always better to spend less and gain more. 

What other non-club equipment do I need?

There’s nothing more important for golf than a high-quality set of clubs, regardless of whether you’re a beginner or a professional. However, there’s additional golfing equipment that you could find equally useful and also important for improving your game:

  • A set of premium golf balls.
  • Rain gloves, hat, pants, an umbrella, and a jacket in case the weather surprises you. 
  • A first-aid kit could come in handy as a way of dealing with splinters and other potential injuries.
  • Multiple tees for a good drive.
  • Different pairs of gloves for both practicing, playing, and reserve. 
  • Quality golf shoes are essential for ensuring proper grip during every shot. 

What is the best of online golf equipment stores?

While it’s true that golf clubs and other equipment will not necessarily make you a better player with a lower handicap and more accurate and stable wedge shots, it’s still important to pay attention to the equipment you purchase. Yes, it’s more important to boost your driving skills, do all you can to improve your iron game, and add variety to your golfing arsenal. However, you need clubs and other equipment that feel good in the hand in order to achieve some of these feats. 

That is why it’s vital to find a reputable golf equipment store that has a varied enough selection of products for you to browse and select the items that will help you add the final missing piece of the puzzle to an advanced golf game. That is where BombTech Golf comes in. We are a company created with an underlying vision to offer premium-quality clubs and equipment to golfing enthusiasts with varying degrees of proficiency. 

We take the middlemen out of the equation, cut our overhead costs to the minimum, and do all we can to ensure you get top-notch clubs and equipment at your doorstep as soon as possible. We have embraced an online-only service model that enables us to offer premium items all golfers can afford. Check out our stock and choose the items you’ve been looking for. And, if you don’t like the feel of them, return them within 60 days. 

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