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Golf Putting Distance Control | Past the Hole Drill

The best way to lower your scores in golf, the short game. Hey everybody my names Jorge Arteta, golf professional and instructor and I love, love, love the short game. Come on out with us today and let's see if we can help you lower your scores.

Welcome everyone to BombTech Golf academy where today we are going to look at putting and how to go after the hole aggressively. With me is Amanda, thank you for being with us today, we appreciate her time. She is going to help us demonstrate this drill here folks, she is one of the local amateur golfers. So Amanda let’s get started on here. So the whole idea with what we are showing today is getting the ball past the hole when you first look at it Amanda. There is a few ways of putting, one of the ways is the let the ball die at the hole and the other one is to go at it aggressively to make sure that it does actually get to the hole. That’s what we are going to look at today, how to get the ball aggressively there.

Amanda is going to get behind the ball and assess the shot. What she is doing right now folks is she is looking past the putting hole, past the hole, and she is looking at a mark maybe 12 to 18 inches behind it. So that is what she is going for.

Amanda let’s get set up and again the whole idea is to have her get a more aggressive stroke towards the hole and let’s see if we can get that going. Alright Amanda give it a shot, nice stroke so you see what she did there folks she accelerated right as soon as she hit the ball and look where the ball ended up there. That is really, really good there Amanda, about a foot and a half there past it. If she got short of the hole no way would the ball ever go in, that’s kind of a little joke here in the golf world. You can see why people say that right. I would rather her go past the hole, she might have missed it a little bit, but at least you gave the ball a chance.

So let’s try this again Amanda, you’ll see on TV sometimes the folks that the people who do this kind of putting, the aggressive putting. Will hit the ball in the back of the cup so to speak when they are going after it. So that is really what we are trying to do here as opposed to dying it in the hole. Let’s try this again and we will see her go after this again aggressively as she hits the ball. There we go, go, go, go, again she didn’t miss by much, she is right there, the distance control was really good Amanda. At least she gave herself a shot to get in the hole. Amanda when you putt like that with a little more aggressive intensity so to speak. How does that make you feel? Fearless, confident, that’s a good word. We do it all day on the putting green it’s just the idea to take it to the course with you right Amanda. You want to try to practice as much you can by the time you get to the course. Great word you used there fearless and just go after it.

So in summary folks the idea today was to go after it and be aggressive, but the key is to have a mark or point, a target past the whole about 12-18 inches and then see how many more putts you can make. Thank you for your time today Amanda we really appreciate it. Until we meet again everybody this is BombTech Golf academy.


Tyler “Sully” Sullivan

BombTech Golf Owner and Founder

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