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Did that Really Just Happen... 🚆 | Quest for 80 Ep. 6

What’s up guys Sully here, Quest for 80 episode number 6. It is second round, third 9 of the year. I have got some blisters on my fingers from hitting too many driving range balls. So I am taping up like my old rugby days. We are here at Cedar Knoll this is my nemesis course, never played well here. It looks super appealing because it is wide open but super hilly and windy. So you don’t want to swing super hard but that is what I do. Goal today is to sneak in a quick nine today.

We have got some hacks in front of us, this guy is already on shot number 7 and he is only 40 feet away, it could be a long 9. First hole is a doozy, par 5, 494 I think, I am going driver to wedge bro let’s go. Eh, it is a miss, but I think I got a member’s bounce hit the tree and kicked back, should be fine. Dude I couldn’t hit it any better, that never happens, that’s going stay up there, perfect. Alright bogey one over.

Hole 3, par 4, 300 yards up hill into the wind, 2 over par dude, Cedar Knoll! That’s the one, that’s deep dude, I’ll take that all day. Nick out drove me, don’t tell anyone, I am in the fairway though, I have probably got 40 to 50 yards to go. Alright guys super windy hopefully you can hear me, OnCore thanks again for the balls guys appreciate it. 3 holes deep, I was on in 2, actually hit the fairway with a nice drive. Was putting for birdie guess what I freaking did I 3 putt it.

Hole 4 I have got to redeem myself, this is a tough hole, super dog leg right. What you think that is a little dog leg right. This is risk versus reward, 333 yards, you can cut the trees right. I am going to the safe play which is probably 180 yards so maybe a 5 iron or 6 iron. That’s what I am going to do not play dumb. I hit it pure comeback, right side, chip and a putt. Too many long putts today, par putt, I need my BombTech Mallet, sold out of them got nothing left. That’s how you stay on the bogey train, hole 5 that is where we are going to heat up, bogey.

Hole 6 we just finished we were on Facebook live another par chance missed it. Bogey train I am 6 over through 6. This is a tough hole over water, hole 7, 341 yards uphill. Going to hit driver that’s been keeping me straight all day. Alright uphill, drive was good dude look at this, look at this lie Nick, this is the lie of the day almost in the hazard. I don’t know how I am this far right for that shot. We have got 145 uphill, weird lie here, think it is going to come out a little wet. Here we go birdie putt, it’s getting a little dry, so it is going to run a little more, be the one sit, sit, ah man. Alright here we go to freaking make par, some days you just make bogey’s every hole.

Alright guys I am trying to stay positive dude because I am out here golfing and it is beautiful out, so I couldn’t care what I actually shoot. I can’t make anything but bogey. We are on hole 8 par 4, I am going to lay up here. I am going to hit I think 6 iron, lot of wind down hill. See if we can at least par in and save this round dude. Beautiful day third 9 of the year I can’t complain. Not sure about distance here, center of the fairway again dude what video is this, freaking loving that! Birdie chip it’s got to run, I didn’t hit it well, but it has got to run, thank god I didn’t hit it far. Got to make a par, hit it easy it is going to break a ton, dude can’t make a par. Beautiful day man, it is a beautiful day to make bogey on every hole.

It’s time to get to practice boys just finished Cedar Knoll, first 9 on a real golf course. Bogey’d every single hole par 36, show them the score card Nick. Every single hole bogey train, shot 45 I can’t be mad, we are going to practice here hit some chips and go live… well I hit it well.


Tyler “Sully” Sullivan

BombTech Golf Owner and Founder

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